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Ms. ANGELA BLACK (Teenager): Pop-ups come up sometimes, and it's just like, you know, delete. That's all you've got to do. And that's all I do because that's disgusting, like porn stuff, that's nasty.
Ms. WINN: I guess what showed me the naivety of parents was we had boys who were 13 telling us that they'd been through their pornography stage when they were 11. They'd been there, done that. Now, they were more mature. They were past that. And then we had parents telling us that they had very open dialogue with their children but they hadn't talked to them about pornography on the internet because, you know, their kids were 14 or 15 and they felt that they were too young.
Ms. STERN: I think what's hard is parents don't want grey. They want black and white. They want a list of here are the 20 things you should do and here are the 20 things you shouldn't do. And I just don't think in this day and age, especially dealing with pre-adolescents, adolescents, that you can give that kind of prescriptive list. 2b1af7f3a8