Cellquest Software !!TOP!! Download Mac
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Hello,Does anybody know if there is any facs analysis software that is compitable to PC ? I am using BD FACScalibor and the CellQuest to aquire and analyse my data on Mac, but would like to find a compitalbe software which I can analyse on my own PC. Thanks.KC
hi Katec,try first WinMDI, newest version 2.8 data aquired on CellQuest (FSC 2.0 format) are fully compatible with this freewarejust run the software and open a new dotplot window from you data files; analysis is as simple as on CellQuest Seb
WinMDISo, a new version is out. How have they improved than before? It's really tedious working with this software - what I don't like the most is I could not save my work.Hope they will look into that in future.Dunno about WinMBI2.9 but 2.8 runs well in Windows XP.
QUOTE (Nabin @ Apr 5 2007, 11:38 AM) WinMDISo, a new version is out. How have they improved than before? It's really tedious working with this software - what I don't like the most is I could not save my work.Hope they will look into that in future.Dunno about WinMBI2.9 but 2.8 runs well in Windows XP.Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I usually work on Flow Jo, I think it is the best SW I have tried till now, but it is installed on one common Mac PC for everybody. I just want to install something to work with on my private PC.
hey Nabin,we are talking about a freeware... not a software at 1000$!for basic analysis of FCS files, WinMDI is highly sufficient and fastfor saving your results, just copy windows and paste in Powerpoint; data will be ready for presentation and publicationsI think that Jo Trotter will be greatful to anyone who could help him to improve the program unfortunately, I have no enough knowledge in programming to do thatSeb
macOS updates improve the stability, performance, or compatibility of your device and are recommended for all users. Device administrators can manage software updates using a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.
Weasel is a flow cytometry data analysis program available for download from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. As it is java-based, it will run on most modern platforms. Please visit the Weasel download page and download the appropriate version for your computer. Please be sure to follow the installation instructions carefully. Java and Quicktime may also be required if not already present on your system. (Note: If you are running on an HITS-administered workstation, you may need to contact the help desk in order to have the software installed).
You may, of course, use any other cytometry analysis program which is already installed on your system. The University offers substantial discounts on many cytometry software packages. Be sure to contact M-Stores Customer Service prior to any purchase.
From the Display Menu choose New Dot Plot. The file browser will appear. Locate and open the Norm.001 data file which you downloaded previously. The Dot Plot Format window will open. Choose the following options:
Click OK, and the software draws a bivariate dot plot. The plot should be familiar to you from the previous lesson. Right-click in the center of the plot and choose Create a Region. Use the mouse to draw a region around the lymphocyte population (draw a polygon by clicking the vertices; click the starting point to close the region). In the Create Region dialog box, name the region lymphs. At this point, your plot should resemble this:
The original Cytometry software catalog was developed and managed by Dr. Eric Martz for several years. In cooperation with Dr. Martz, the site will now be managed by the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories. Our goal is to provide comprehensive educational materials in all areas of cytometry and broadly in science where we can. If you want to contact Dr. Martz please do so.
This catalog strives to be comprehensive -- to include as much free flow cytometry software as possible. We have also added some demonstrations of commercial packages. Report comments, catalog omissions and corrections to jpr@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu.
The suite includes the program A2FCS.EXE which converts ASCII spreadsheet-style data files to FCS. It can handle 8- or 16-bit data, and can mark the data as log-acquired. Programs are provided to generate columns of random numbers; the results (medians etc.) can be independently obtained by the flow cytometry program of your choice, and by generic spreadsheet software for verification. The programs can generate arbitrarily large FCS files of repeating cycles of random numbers (hence with known medians, etc.). MFI has been tested using this strategy for up to 2,000,000 events of 3 parameters each. (Tools are also provided for generating data to display the greeting of your choice as a dot plot.) Further details are available in the MFI/FCS Verification Suite documentation.
This program converts numeric data in an ASCII file to an FCS file which can be read by flow analysis software. The ASCII file can be created by a spreadsheet or any other means. Since MFI, WinMDI, and other software can convert FCS files to ASCII files, one could edit the data in any way desired and then re-convert to FCS. This utility permits test data generated mathematically to be used to test flow analysis software. Author: Joseph Trotter, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla CA. trotter@scripps.edu.
This PC/Windows program refreshes the existing ratio of two user-specified parameters in LYSYS II listmode files (B-D FACScan, FACStar), or creates a new ratio parameter. It is untested on other FCS2.0 files. Compatible with linear or log data, 256 or 1024 channel resolution. In some instruments, the hardware/software is not fast enough to generate a correct ratio value for all events; Refresh Ratio fixes this problem.
This is a pair of programs which transfer files, including listmode files, between Hewlett-Packard (HP) Pascal 3.1 computers and PC's. Transfer can occur in either direction. Hence, PC copies of files can serve as backup which can be transferred back to the HP for analysis with HP software. PC copies of listmode files can also be used with analysis software such as WinMDI and MFI.
Transfer takes about 30 seconds per 10,000 event listmode file. Alternative transfer software sold by Verity, which uses the same hardware, is said to transfer files considerably faster. (Verity Software House, Inc., Topsham ME USA. 207-729-6767. verity@vsh.com)
Use of these programs requires an IEEE-488 GPIB card for the PC. Such cards cost about $500. One vendor which provides excellent technical support is National Instruments, gpib_support@natinst.com, accessible at the National Instruments web site. Another solution is the OptiMATE package (board plus fast commercial software) from Applied Cytometry Systems.
This is a pair of programs which transfer files, including listmode files, between Hewlett-Packard (HP) Pascal 3.1 computers and PC's via a serial port cable. Transfer is implemented only in the HP to PC direction. PC copies of listmode files can be used with analysis software such as WinMDI and MFI.
The browsers used to navigate this CD should offer the option of downloading these files to your hard disk when the links are clicked on. In addition, you can copy the files directly from the CD to your hard disk. Each of these programs is in its own directory in the \3\data\ directory of the CD.
Peripheral blood specimens were collected into EDTA-containing tubes. Fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies were added to whole blood washed in PBS once. After staining for 30 minutes, stained samples were treated with BD fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) Lysing Solution (Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA) for 10 minutes to lyse erythrocytes.29 Cells were washed twice and analyzed on a FACScan (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer using Cellquest software (Becton Dickinson). Cells were labeled with monoclonal antibodies conjugated with FITC, PE, PerCP, PE-CY5, or APC. Antibodies used for staining were as follows: anti-CD3, -CD4, -CD8, -CD16, -CD18 (hybridoma C71/16), -CD11a, -CD11b, -Cd11c, -CD19, -CD27, -CD28, -CD56, -CD45/CD14 (leucogate), and -TCRαβ (Becton Dickinson); and -CD18, -CD57, and -TCRγ/δ (Immunotech, Marseille, France); irrelevant antibodies of the IgG1 and IgG2b subclasses were used to determine background staining. 10Test Beta mark (Immunotech, Marseille, France), containing mixtures of dual-color (FITC and PE) conjugated TCR Vβ antibodies, was used in combination with anti-CD18 and -CD8 antibodies.
Direct sequencing of the purified DNAs was carried out to screen the clones using a Model 377 Applied Biosystems sequencer and Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Sequence was analyzed with Sequencher 3.1.1 software (Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, MI).
Transfection of wild-type and mutant CD11/CD18 dimers into COS-7 cells. Wild-type CD18 cDNA or the mutants G284S, G284R, Y131S, and Y131F were transfected into COS-7 cells together with the wild-type cDNA for CD11a, CD11b, or CD11c. CD11/CD18 expression was monitored by flow cytometry using the monoclonal antibody 1B4. The background histograms (broken lines) were obtained using an irrelevant isotype-matched antibody. Expression profiles of CD11/CD18 transfectants are shown as solid lines. The subtracted profiles (using Cellquest software) are shown in solid black. The percentage of gated positive cells (%GP), mean fluorescence intensity (MFI), and expression index (EI), derived from %GP × MFI are also shown. 2b1af7f3a8