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Okay, I've noticed alot of edits saying the WWE Women's Championship has been retired. However no source has been presented for this other then that the unified title history directs to the Divas Championship. The Women's Title is not listed in the retired section of WWE's site. The WCW, ECW, ECW Tag, ECW TV, European, Light Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, and the World Tag are the only ones listed. Using the Divas Championship History link as a source is incorrect since it isn't covering the information stated and like with the Tag Titles (the world tag was listed but ended up being retired) the divas title could end up being retired instead. I feel the situation should be handled like the tag title situation until one of them is moved to the retired section. However there is no end for a Unifed WWE Divas Championship page imo.--WillC 23:40, 21 September 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Who knows where The Rock goes from here. Vin Diesel has very publicly and awkwardly invited him back to the Fast & Furious franchise, but since the two of them are two muscle-bound sides of the same bald-headed diva coin, I don\u2019t see that happening. His version of Black Adam seems dead. If his ego would allow it, I\u2019d love to see him as a Mission Impossible villain. Miniature megalomaniac Tom Cruise loves having big men like Henry Cavill as his antagonists to prove that his own version of masculinity is superior. Maybe servicing someone else\u2019s massive unchecked ego is the hard work he needs. 2b1af7f3a8