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Image clubs, while uncommon in major cities, are common in rural areas. Image clubs are more common in Japan than fashion health clubs as the former are less illegal. Image clubs are legal only in Japan, and in some cases in the United States, as they do not involve sexual intercourse. They are not technically prostitution as the workers do not receive money for sex or other acts of prostitution, although the girls could be paid for acting as a prostitute. Some image club workers are victims of sexual violence and are forced into prostitution, and some other image club workers willingly enter the business. Yet others choose to enter the business voluntarily.
Image clubs often use the same building as bar hostess clubs and nightclubs, sometimes in the same building (such as Mystery of the Ooze, a nightclub built around the image of a woman's buttocks, in Tokyo), or in the same area (such as Erotic Cafes, a nightclub built around the image of a woman's breasts).
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